Golden Tulip Hotels - World-wide hotel directory
World-wide hotel directory for Golden Tulip Hotels
Golden Tulip Hotels
World-Wide Hotel Directory
World-Wide Hotel Directory
Golden Tulip required a new design for their world-wide hotel directory. They are the 8th largest hotel chain and 2nd in Europe. With over 120 hotels in 35 countries a directory promotes these hotels through agents, partners and through customer request.
An initial page layout design was created and then approved by the client. Each section was developed within the agreed pagination until a stage was reached where the client could then this sign off. There were over 350 high resolution scans to be produced. In some cases there were endless amends and proofs required given the detail needed for each hotel. There were also over 18 adverts to include and place into the directory. A world-wide map with all of the hotels featured was created by Jomo.
The 132 page A5 Hotel directory was printed four colour process throughout 170gsm for the cover and 125gsm for the text pages. The cover was machine sealed and then perfect bound. The print run was 25,000 and then shipped to the Netherlands.